Running with Minimalist Shoes


Barefoot running we have seen increase in serious injuries from running in minimalist shoes. We know from talking to large chain running shoe stores, that a high percentage of people who are buying minimalist shoes are returning to the store to switch back to regular running shoes because they are injured.

Studies show that about 80% of the population overpronate (ie. their foot rolls in too much). This can be confusing because most people wear out the outside of their shoe. Because they land on the outside of the shoe this is where it shows the most wear. But in fact their foot rolls in too much, causing torquing on the lower extremity which leads to many issues including; foot pain, plantar fasciitis, heel pain, Achilles tendinitis, IT band syndrome, runner’s knee and more.

There might be a slight benefit from using minimalist shoes, but they should be worn in small doses, and used on grass or softer surface for strengthening. In my opinion they should not be used as the primary shoe for running or physical activities.

If you have any of the aforementioned conditions or pain in the low back, leg, knee, or foot please call me for a consultation and/or examination.

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